Personal Injury Law

On many occasions, the injured party of an auto accident decides to handle the case as per advice of the insurance company of the other driver, or the driver at fault. The injured party should never do that. They should contact an attorney who handles auto accidents or personal injury cases. Most clients understand that they may recover lost wages and medical expenses when someone else cased the accident. However, many do not know that they may also be entitled to money damages for the following: physical pain and suffering; mental anguish; physical impairment; and physical disfigurement. The insurance company is never going to advocate these additional rights to the victim.

Once the accident takes place, you might be approached by, or be contacted by telephone, by an insurance claims adjuster. The adjuster will try to talk to you about your injury, the progress of your case or simply your personal affairs. You are under absolutely NO obligation to talk to or disclose any information to anyone without the advice of your attorney. What you say, although seems very innocent, may come back to hurt your case later. Also, don’t forget that telephone conversations can be recorded.

My office handles all auto accident cases on a contingent fee basis. It means that unless I recover the damages from the insurance company, you need not pay me any fee.